The purpose of microsuction is to safely remove any wax or foreign bodies present within the ear canal. Microsuction ear wax removal is the safest and most comfortable form of earwax removal available.
Microsuction does not need pre-treatment with drops but two to four days use of olive oil is recommended. Microsuction is undertaken using a microscope and a medical suction device.
A cannual (a thin wand type fitting) is fitted to the end of the suction probe which allows the audiologist to gently remove the earwax from the canal. The ears are checked before the procedure and the ear canal can be seen throughout the procedure.
No liquids are used during the procedure, this means there is no fuss or mess during the process, it also means a clear view of the ear canal is maintained throughout the procedure, making it exceptionally safe.
It is a comfortable process and standard procedure time can take from 15-30 minutes, but this can vary depending on depth of wax in the canal, shape of canal, type and amount of wax and whether you are having one or both ears cleared.
This is usually performed with the person sat still, with their head slightly tilted, so the ear being treated is facing upwards. A bright light and ear tip are inserted into the ear to make it easier to see inside the ear. This procedure can be performed sitting up or laying down.
Despite this, microsuction is regarded as being safe and well tolerated. However no treatment of ear wax is completely "risk free". Some of the risks and side effects can include: